
This is a six-month commitment. It is expected that accepted participants attend the class for the entire duration.

It is extremely important that participants who are selected remember that they are to serve as positive role models and examples while in class as well as in our community.

Participants admitted to the Next Level Leadership Program:

  • - Only in the case of an emergency, can the applicant miss (2) classes
  • - Three (3) tardies equal an absence (This means arriving 15 minutes late or leaving before the class ends)
  • - Must participate in classroom discussions
  • - Must participate in a class project that will be evaluated by the Board of Directors
  • - Be accountable for following through with an individual and/or committee commitments and/or responsibilities

Classes are held on:

Tuesdays - 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. 

Saturdays - 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. 

Further questions or clarification please feel free to contact us here